Registration Form for Weekly Afterschool Classes

Part Art Studio-Part Kids Place
226 West 13th Avenue Covington LA 70433
(Between Tyler & Jefferson Avenue)

Like us on facebook @ Eliza W of Alabaster Artwork

Weekly Art Classes Registration Form for 2011-12 school year
(please use one form per child)

Child’s name: ______________________________
Phone : __________________
Address: _____________________________
City /Zip: ____________________
Grade entering: _____ School: ___________________ Age:_____
Male or Female
Email address: _________________________________
Date of Birth:___________
List any previous art classes taken & age/grade of child: _______________________
How did you hear about Alabaster? ______________________________________
Parent’s name____________________________
Cell phone: __________________
Parent’s name____________________________
Cell phone: __________________
Alternate contact in case of emergency: ___________________________________
Relationship: _____________________
Phone: ____________________________
List any allergies or disabilities your child may have______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Child lives with ___ both parents ___ father ___ mother ___ guardian: _______________
If parents are separated or divorced, who has legal custody of the
child? _____________________________________________
Name of person(s) other than parent that is allowed to pick up child:

I understand snacks are not provided during the school year classes. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to give my child a snack or meal before class if needed. If a child is having a birthday or it is a holiday, I may request to bring a snack for the class. Elizabeth Winters must approve all requests since some children have allergies. If needed, please send your child with a water bottle with their name written in marker on it. Water bottles may be purchased from Alabaster Artwork. Otherwise, no outside food or drink is allowed on the premises. It is the parent’s responsibility to list any food allergies under the allergy section of the registration form. Please go back and list any food allergies in that section if applicable.

Alabaster Artwork cannot guarantee that the clothes the child wears will come home paint-free even though aprons are provided. If you want to guarantee a worry-free class, please bring your child a play shirt or play clothes to change into for the class.

I am enrolling my child in art classes with Alabaster Artwork and understand that the classes continue through mid- May. I understand that payments are due on the 17th of the month even if my child is absent from class that week. If my child misses for an extended period and I do not request to drop classes, I am responsible for all tuition owed through that month. I understand that if my child misses class, Alabaster Artwork is under no obligation to make-up the work missed with the child. I can pay for a make-up class for an additional $15.

I understand that a $10 late fee will be added to my account if the tuition payment is not paid in full by the 20th of the month. If for any reason, I cannot fulfill this contractual obligation, I agree to give Alabaster Artwork two weeks notice before the date I plan to discontinue my child’s art lessons. I understand that registering for a class indicates a commitment for my child to attend through mid-May. I also agree to the terms of Alabaster Artwork’s policies and procedures.

Please submit this registration form and $50 registration fee in addition to initial tuition payment and workbook fee. Ask about sibling discount if you are registering more than one child($10 off registration for each additional child).

Young Artists
Registration $50
Initial tuition payment $100
Workbook $25
Additional 8 months $45/monthly)

Emerging & Teen Artists
Registration $50
Initial tuition payment $125
Workbook $45
(Additional 8 months $50/monthly)

Note: Your child’s space is not guaranteed until you have paid the registration fee and initial tuition payment with workbook fee. Group size is limited and art books are ordered ahead of time. Tuition for the following months is due on the 17th and late after the 20th. A $10 late fee will be charged to your account on the next business day. Please put your child’s name on each check (memo section) for proper credit.

Sept. 17, 2011
Oct. 17, 2011
Nov. 17, 2011
Dec. 17, 2011
Jan. 17, 2012
Feb. 17, 2012
Mar. 17, 2012
Apr. 17, 2012

Alabaster Artwork does have Holiday Camps during the school year. The monthly tuition does NOT include Holiday Camps. We would be glad to register your child for a Holiday Camp for an additional fee.

Alabaster Artwork generally follows the public school calendar for holidays and emergencies. Please make sure we have an email you check regularly since we will use it to notify you of any unexpected changes. The tuition stays the same each month regardless of holidays because the tuition is based on the total number of classes being offered.

We will NOT have class the following weeks:
Thanksgiving Week
Christmas Week
New Year’s Week
Mardi Gras Week
Easter Week

Alabaster Artwork will hold an art gallery student show at the end of the school year to highlight each student’s best work. There will be an additional fee due March 17th for this project. I understand and agree to pay $25 for this project per student enrolled. _______please initial

I would like my child to attend the following class:

I agree to all of the terms given in this agreement and I understand it is a legal document. I give permission to Alabaster Artwork and Elizabeth Winters serving as Director to care for my child during the time he/she is on premises and to secure emergency medical care for my child if Alabaster Artwork is unable to reach me.
Child’s Doctor: ____________________ Phone: _________________

I understand that Alabaster Artwork reserves (1) sick day without monetary penalty. Any additional sick days will receive a $15 credit toward the following month’s tuition payment.

I understand there will be no refunds on months partially attended. I understand I must notify Alabaster Artwork by the 1st of the month before discontinuing art classes. I understand I am responsible for payment even if my child doesn’t attend and continue to be responsible until I have submitted my two weeks notice.
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________

I also give permission to Alabaster Artwork to photograph my child while participating in artistic activities--for publicity purposes only--to be posted on the Alabaster Artwork website or in other publicity such as their ads in Kids & Family Directory Northshore. I understand there is no guarantee that my child’s photograph will be chosen. I understand Alabaster uses a variety of photographs to show parents and potential students the different activities they offer.
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________